Monday, July 22, 2024

Minor update to the ol' houserules

    Good evening, good evening. This is a small post just to say I finally got around to updating the houserules on the sidebar of this blog. My opinions on The True & Only Way to Play have changed in the 4 years I've been running the GLOG (wow, that's a long time, I'm old...) and this document reflects those changes.

Click the sheep to access the new G24 rules (not the economic council)

    I learned that some of you were unironically using G20 (the old ruleset) (not the economic council) in your games, which made me feel bad. That's more of a reference document of assumptions about how games worth than a full ruleset. So this new document explains things like "you can't set someone on fire by hitting them with a candle lantern", and "if your character dies they can't be played anymore, usually" and such, which might make the DM's job a little easier. At least now you know what rules to throw out.

    That's everything. Happy trails.


  1. Oh no! The vtuber mind-virus has reached even the OSR space!
    (Didn't read the old homerules, but I like these ones)
