Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Advantage the Universe Has Over Him (GLOG Class: Mystic)

    You are a mystic, whose psionic techniques circumvent the need for magic and arcane tradition.

    You have a pool of psions used to fuel your powers (fun fact: the term "psion" originally referred to the theoretic basic particle of ESP fields), equal to your HP modified by INT instead of CON. You regenerate one point per hour of undisturbed meditation; you also gain the normal benefits of sleep and rest while meditating.

    You also have a Limit, which is equal to the number of levels you have in all mystic classes. This determines the maximum number of psions which you can spend in a single round under normal conditions.

    Additionally, you have focus, which is your ability to maintain powerful ongoing psionic effects. You can change your focus with a combat round of intense concentration. When you take damage, check INT or lose your focus. Lost focus is regained with [limit] hours of undisturbed meditation—as a mystic attains ever more elevated and esoteric states, the mental effort required to enter them grows as well.

    Your powers are divided into talents and disciplines, and disciplines are divided into generic and class-specific lists. All mystics begin with a single talent and a single discipline from the generic list. They develop a new one, from either their class' list or the generic list, each time they gain a level. Masters of various traditions can also teach you new disciplines; some traditions are more closely-guarded than others.

    I know this sounds like a lot, but you'll get the hang of it. Basically, you use your cool magic powers to do cool magic tricks.

    As a mystic, you are proficient with spears, hunting bows, clubs, knives, and any weapons in your starting equipment. You can wear only light armor, but you know how to use shields. You can ride a camel into combat. Warhorses don't like the looks of you and will attempt to bite. Any mystic may spend six seconds to send a sentence (up to 10 words) telepathically to a creature they can see, and receive a sentence in response if that creature wishes.

Source: 1949 illustration by Callé for the story The Impossible, written by Ray Bradbury


    Among the uncommon mystics, the most common breed is the wandering nomad. They travel from oasis to oasis plying their trade for the benefit of the peasants of the Obol Desert. Nomads are rarely seen in the coastal cities, but never unwelcome when they do appear. Most are simple adventurers and philanthropists, with no deeper understanding of the primal force they wield — though a few have developed their abilities to the point of being able to walk across the world, or (it's said) even into others.

Starting Equipment: Durable traveling clothes (as unarmored, appropriate clothing for the desert), engraved shikarsword (medium), sturdy waterskin (holds 3 liters), book of quotations (Desert Code), 100' of boiled manila rope, 10 silver obols
Skills: 1. Camel management 2. Surgery 3. Gardening

  • A Wanderer, +1 extra Nomad Discipline
  • B Footprints in Sand, +1 to-hit
  • C Far-Reaching, +1 HP
  • D Effortless Journey, +1 to-hit

    The nomads always seem to be one step ahead, knowing just what they need to know for every situation. Each morning, when you wake, choose two of any skills, languages, or weapon proficiencies. You're an expert until next you sleep.

    Space and time are memories, and you remember everywhere you've been. Once per dawn, when you would be hurt, you retroactively hadn't moved from where you last stood six seconds ago. This causes attacks to miss (the attackers must have been confused, and swinging at air) and most environmental hazards to not harm you.

    Your study of the Nomad Disciplines is rewarded. When you use a Nomad Discipline to teleport, you teleport twice as far.

Effortless Journey
    Once per round, you may forgo walking to teleport to some position you can see and could have walked to in one round. Among other things, this means that you can travel at a normal pace, ignoring rough terrain, while in full meditation.


    The Immortals do not represent a single philosophy, but rather a single goal: survival. They earned their name half in awe, half as a curse. Even when all your friends are dead, you, an immortal, have a good chance of crawling back to civilization. The bedouin tribes of the Obol Desert, devoted to the Green as they are, see you at best as a coward and a quisling, and at worst as a traitor to the Great Work of the human race. There's little they can do about it.

Starting Equipment: Dreary traveling clothes (as unarmored, appropriate clothing for the desert), hunting bow (medium), quiver with sheaf of arrows, waterskin (3 liters), sharp shovel (medium, must be wielded in two hands), 10 silver obols
Skills: 1. Cookery 2. Camel management 3. Alchemy
  • A Tough as Leather, +1 extra Immortal Discipline
  • B Not Luck, +2 SAVE
  • C Shed Skin, +2 HRTS
  • D Still Not Luck, +2 INIT

Tough as Leather
    You may add your level to your max hitpoints (this doesn't increase your psion pool, sorry). You may add your DEX bonus to your AC, if positive. In your bare skin, you may add your CON bonus to your AC, if positive. 

Not Luck
    At the beginning of each round, you gain two temporary hitpoints.

Shed Skin
    When you would take damage from any source, you may break your own focus to halve that damage.

Still Not Luck
    When you would be reduced to 0 hitpoints or below for any reason, you may spend 5 psions. You heal to [level + CON mod] hitpoints.


    While the primal forces can be applied to material reality, they are more effective when leveraged to influence the minds of others. Overlords take advantage of this to sit atop hierarchies of servants for their own benefit. You can whip up frenzies like cattle, call down sorrows like witch-women call storms, inspire loyalty like beautiful women inspire love-poems, all without lifting a finger of your own. The only thing you need to take care of is this: most communities in the Obol Desert (quite reasonably) see thrallmaking as no different from a slave raid, while others see it as tantamount to murder. The common punishment for captured slavers is to be branded as a slave. You, they'll simply hang.

Starting Equipment: Fine clothing (+1 to reactions), foreign longsword (medium, attractive gilt), shield, high-quality foreign hauberk (medium armor.), a good camel, 50 silver obols. 
Skills: 1. Poetry 2. Household management 3. Andonan history
  • A Charm School, +1 extra Overlord Discipline
  • B Domination, Extra attack
  • C Font of Health
  • D Icon of Battle

Charm School
    You received the finest education that money and connections can obtain. You can wear medium armor and ride a warhorse. People of importance have a [level]-in-6 chance of knowing who you are (the rising chance representing your rising value as a possible friend).

    When you and an NPC are off-screen together for more than an hour, you can declare that they have become your thrall. Thralls behave normally, except they treat your opinions as their opinions, and your suggestions as brilliant ideas. You can maintain up to [limit] HD of thralls; going over your limit frees earlier thralls immediately, which is painful and confusing for both of you. You can free thralls at-will, and they do not recall the experience as being out of the ordinary and will be offended by suggestions otherwise. Your thralls are not released when you die.

Font of Health
    Your soothing touch enhances both natural and supernatural healing. Allies in your presence gain an additional [limit] HP from anything that restores their hitpoints, including rest. 

Icon of Battle
    You're an inspiration to your soldiers, whether they recognize you as their leader or still believe in their independence. Allies in your presence add your [limit] to their INIT rolls at the beginning of combat, and to their attack rolls when targeting creatures who are personally threatening you.


    Called "jedi" by uneducated foreigners, the Jeddak are the oldest traditions of mystic, even predating the so-called Ancients. When the world was young and green and filled with all manner of strange things, brave Jeddak warred against the forces of evil and walked the horizon to guard against intrusion from other planes. Today, the few who remain in the Obol Desert are but a tiny fraction of the old order. Other survivors may exist, out in the stars of other planes...

Starting Equipment: Ragged traveling clothes (as unarmored, appropriate clothing for the desert), your soulknife fetish (see your A template), begging bowl, 10 copper obols
Skills: 1. Religion 2. Extreme sports 3. Calligraphy
  • A Horizon Blade, +1 to-hit
  • B Honed Edge, Extra attack
  • C Soul Thief, +2 HP
  • D Soul Cutter, +1 to-hit

Horizon Blade
    In your possession is a sacred relic of the Jeddak order; the fetishes which allow you to summon your horizon blade. These fetishes are just small pieces of silver, carved with strange runes and set with many symbolically-important gemstones, and their weight is negligible. You may pay one psion to ignite your horizon blade, and can dismiss it with a thought. The "blade" is a portal to the Astral Plane, one inch wide, two feet long (one end touching the fetish), and infinitesimally thin when viewed from the side. The inner and outer edge of the portal cuts like an angle-grinder. This "blade" deals 1d8 damage plus your highest stat modifier (you use it powerfully if you're strong, cunningly if wise, hotly if charismatic, &c). If held in two hands, the damage increases to 1d10. You know how to use it to parry attacks, reducing incoming melee weapon damage by your to-hit modifier.
    Replacing this fetish costs 10 gold obols, and you cannot multiclass as a Jeddak unless you own a fetish. Horizon blades are absolutely terrifying to NPCs, and igniting yours may prompt morale checks from everyone present, even your own hirelings. Sometimes eyes are visible through the portal.

Honed Blade
    When you ignite your blade, you may pay an extra psion to increase its size by a foot, granting you +1 to-hit and damage. If you pay two extra psion its size is increased by two feet, granting you +2 to-hit and damage, and bumping the damage dice up one level. If you pay 4 psions (in total), the horizon blade is eight feet long, and deals 2d6 damage in one hand or 2d8 in two, with +4 to-hit and damage in addition to your stat modifier. At this size, there is a 2-in-6 chance that something escapes the portal.

Soul Thief
    You've learned how to tax a little part of passing souls. When your horizon blade kills a living creature, you regenerate [target's HD] psions.

Soul Cutter
    Your horizon blade can strike at a creature's essence directly, ignoring petty material concerns such as "armor" and "whether they dodged you or not" If you make one attack in a turn instead of two, that attack hits 10 AC.


    The supreme power in the world, once. In ancient times, the Ancients drew new coastlines, raised new mountains, laid new roads. They could produce food and water from nothing, send messages instantly across thousands of miles, travel through the air in flying ships, and even create new life from common flora and fauna. That was then. So many millennia have passed that even the foundations of their cities are gone from the earth; the only traces of that mighty civilization are patches of colored sand which can be found here and there in the Obol Desert, where their moldering bones once lay, so long ago, in great stinking heaps. Once upon a time you wandered deep, deep into the desert, to where the mountains rise as sheer and unbroken walls of stone, and looted the ancient holdfasts preserved there. You found forgotten treasure. You learned forbidden knowledge. Perhaps you are like them, now: the ones who killed the world.

Starting Equipment: Somber traveling clothes (as unarmored, appropriate clothing for the desert), augmented limb (see your A template), damask saber (masterwork medium), raygun (deals 1d8 fire damage at 30', requires charge to attack, holds 3 charges, regains 1 a day), waterskin (holds 3 liters), 20 silver obols
Skills: 1. Ancient history 2. Genetics 3. Engineering
  • A Augmented Limbs, +1 extra Ancient Discipline
  • B Elemental Investigation
  • C Dabbler
  • D Psionic Specter

Augmented Limbs
    You know some of the secrets of the ancients, allowing you to replace or improve the physical bodies of human beings. An augmented limb requires 10 gold obols of materials to make, though you can save 1 obol if the creature still has a functioning limb to build on top of. Augmented arms grant +1 MOVE (improved strength) or SKLL (improved delicacy), and +1 to-hit either way. Augmented legs grant +1 MOVE (improved strength) or INIT (improved speed), and +1 AC either way. These limbs are so much better than the originals that it almost makes you forget that they require one psion per day to function; if they don't get their psion, they are entirely nonfunctional.

Elemental Investigation
    Your affinity for the past allows you to perceive the world as it was. If you concentrate on an object for ten minutes, you gain a mental impression of its perspective over the previous 24 hours. If you know the exact time you're looking for, you can view that in real time; searching for something takes you 1 minute to scrub through 1 hour of "footage" from the object's memory. Objects only perceived what they could have perceived (e.g. a coin in a pocket doesn't see very much), and you can only receive impressions of sight, sound, and touch (objects don't have noses or tongues).

    When you acquire this template you gain a pair of spell slots in your brain, allowing you to store spells. It may be possible to find these in the wild, or buy them at the bazaar. You can break your own focus to cast a spell with [limit] MD, suffering mishaps as an Orthodox Wizard. You don't need to worry about Dooms. The Ancients have been doomed enough already. 

Psionic Specter
    Once per dawn, you can transmogrify yourself into a translucent, ghostly version of your normal self. In this form you take half damage from all sources, move at at only 10' a round, and can pass through solid objects in your way (so long as they aren't thicker than 10'). This ends after 10 minutes or with a thought.

Source: Illustration by Alexander L. Brown for the French band Barús


  1. Project bright light 20' out of your eyes for one round.
  2. Fasten a weapon to your hand such that it cannot be taken from your grip, or release the same.
  3. Render a single creature unable to see you for one round. If you use this on the same creature over several consecutive rounds, they notice flickering afterimages and may become alarmed.
  4. Cause a creature to experience an auditory or visual hallucination for one minute. Visual hallucinations are only visual (no other sense), do not produce or reflect or block light, occupy a 5' cube at most, and disappear if the creature touches them.
  5. Enhance your movement psychokinetically, shoving against gravity sharply to double jump height and length.
  6. Enhance your movement psychokinetically. pushing against gravity slowly to run 30' along a wall or over a pool of liquid.
  7. Touch one willing intelligent creature and meld your minds for one minute. you can communicate telepathically, and either of you may spend the minute transmitting a memory (60 second snippet, full sensory recall)
  8. Cause creature within 60' to check CON or be brain-tased and fall prone.
  9. Beguile a living creature as you speak with them. They react to your words with 3d6, keeping the two highest dice. Hostile results indicate they realize you're pulling a mind-trick.
  10. Move an object weighing less than 10 pounds and within 30' of you with your mind, as if you were manipulating it with your hands for one round. You can shift it up to 30', if you wish. This lacks the motive force to shove creatures around, or remove objects from their grasp, though perhaps if they weren't expecting it you could joggle the aim of a pistol as it fires or something like that.
  11. Pay one psion and throw a bolt of crackling purple energy 60' as an attack, striking for 1d6+[INT mod] psychic damage. 
  12. Pay one psion to set a flammable object within 60' on fire with your mind powers. Flammable objects worn by a creature get a save to resist this.

Generic Disciplines

Aura Sight

     A basic discipline that allows you to see perceive the qualities and movements of the souls of living things. You can focus to sense hostility from living creatures, and while doing this you can't be surprised by a camouflaged foe. 
  • Assess (1 psion): You learn the HP, HD, to-hit and Limit of a creature you can see.
  • Read Mood (1 psion): You gain a two-word summary of the emotional state of a creature you can see.
  • View Aura (2 psionfocus): For the duration, you gain two-word summaries of the emotional states of any creatures you can see, and a sense of how your words or actions will alter those emotions before you say/do anything.
  • See Unseen (3 psionfocus): For the duration, you can see living things within 120' feet clearly, even through walls and concealment, even if they are supernaturally hidden. This functions like the infravision of certain subterranean predators: you do not need a light source to attack living creatures, and if they lack infravision their attacks against you are made with disadvantage.

Mental Citadel

     A basic discipline of psionic combat, this one dedicated to defense. You can focus to gain resistance to psychic damage.
  • Total Defense (1 psionfocus): A crackling shield of psionic energy surrounds you. You have a +2 bonus to AC and any roll to avoid damage.
  • Psionic Parry (2 psions): You direct your will against a creature in melee as it strikes you, reducing incoming weapon damage by 2d6. If your roll exceeds theirs, excess is dealt to them as psychic damage.
  • Psionic Redoubt (3 psionsfocus): Until you shift your focus, you and up to six creatures you can see gain the benefits of Total Defense and resistance to psychic damage.


     A basic discipline for subtly bending the wills of others, and convincing them you are trustworthy and charming. You can focus to gain a +2 bonus to reaction.
  • Presence (1–4 psions): Creatures within 30' of you are charmed by you, with no save, considering you a admirable member of their society. This affects 2HD of creatures per psion spent, starting from the lowest-HD. This lasts for 10 minutes, or until you or one of your allies start a fight.
  • Center of Attention (2 psions, focus): You charm the heart of one creature you can see. They save. If they fail, all other creatures are invisible to them until you shift your focus.
  • Slave Will (4 psions, focus). You cast aside subtlety and directly seize the minds of others. Up to 6HD of creatures you can see save. If they fail, they are charmed to perceive you as their direct superior, and will follow your verbal commands to the best of their abilities. Each time you order them to do something against their nature, they get another save before obeying. Most creatures become murderously angry upon being freed from this effect. 


     A basic discipline that allows you to piece together clues and details from your environment. From the outside, it looks like you can see the future. You can focus to gain advantage on INIT rolls.
  • Hunch (1 psion, focus): You allow instinct to guide you. Add your [limit] to all checks.
  • All-Around Sight (2 psions): After an attack hits you, force the attacker to reroll the attack.
  • Danger Sense (3 psions, focus): You construct a mental model of reality, with an offset of a few seconds. You cannot be surprised. You have a +10 bonus to INIT. No circumstances or other rules can give attackers advantage against you.
  • Premeditated Victory (4 psions): When INIT is rolled, grant yourself and up to 6 creatures a +10 bonus.

Assault Mind

     A basic discipline of psionic combat, this one dedicated to offense. You can focus to deal 2 extra points of damage any time you deal psychic damage.
  • Brain Blast (1–4 psions): A creature you can see takes 1d8 points of psychic damage per psion, or half of that on a successful INT check.
  • Superego Whip (2 psions): You inflict crippling self-doubt and fear. A creature you can see takes 1d8 points of psychic damage, and checks INT or loses their turn in combat.
  • Id Whip (3 psions): You inflict sudden panic and fury. A creature you can see takes 2d8 points of psychic damage, and checks INT or must attack the nearest creature on their turn.
  • Mind Crush (4 psions): Choose a 60' cube that you can see. All creatures whose heads are inside the cube take 4d6 points of psychic damage, or half on a successful INT check.

Haunt Mind

     A basic discipline of psionic combat, this one dedicated to spreading madness and confusion. You can focus to impose a -2 penalty to enemy morale rolls.
  • Figment (1 psion): A creature you can see believes it is being hunted by some fearful thing they cannot see. They whirl around in place, trying not to turn their back on imaginary threats. Real threats have advantage on attacks against them. At the end of each of the target's turns, or whenever it takes damage, it check INT to break free from the delusion.
  • Invisible Fiend (2 psions, focus): A creature you can see vividly hallucinates a fearful monster, exactly what would most scare them, charging their position. They take 1d6 psychic damage each turn as it tears out their flesh and sucks the juice out of their eyeballs. Real threats have advantage on attacks against them. At the end of each of their turns, the target may check INT to break free from the delusion. If the damage kills them they die with their bodies unmarked yet their faces contorted in masks of extreme agony and wild terror.
  • Phantom Traitor (3 psions, focus): A creature you can see is charmed into an episode of delusional paranoia. They believe all other creatures, even their friends and allies, have betrayed them; perceiving themselves to be surrounded by enemies, they marshal all their courage and abilities to escape. They may check INT to break free from this delusion at the end of each of their turns.
  • Phantom Riches (4 psions, focus): A creature you can see is charmed into perceiving the thing they desire most hovering just a little out of reach. People who try to prevent them from running off after it are perceived as jealous thieves and dealt with accordingly. The target gets one INT check before doing something really really stupid, otherwise they're along for the ride, and will pursue the mirage anywhere without a thought for their own safety.


     A basic discipline for communicating your will to others. You can focus to include up to 6 other creatures in your telepathic messages; every connected creature hears the sentence and may respond with a sentence of their own.
  • Inquire (1 psions): A creature you can see, and which is capable of communicating with you telepathically, checks INT or is charmed to answer one telepathically-posed question truthfully. If they pass the check, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours. Targets will attempt to rationalize their behavior.
  • Occlude (1 psions): A creature you can see, and which is capable of communicating with you telepathically, checks INT or is charmed to believe a (ten word) sentence you transmit to them. If they pass the check, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours. Targets will attempt to rationalize their behavior, and will be confused and distressed by proof the sentence was a lie.
  • Break (3 psions): A creature you can see, and which is capable of communicating with you telepathically, checks INT or is charmed such that you decide how they move and act for the next 6 seconds. If they pass the check, they are immune to this ability for 24 hours. Targets will attempt to rationalize their behavior.
  • Grip (3 psions, focus): A creature you can see, and which is capable of communicating with you telepathically, checks INT or is charmed to hold perfectly still. If they pass the check, &c &c &c. When they receive damage, they are freed.
  • Dominate (4 psions, focus): As Break, except it lasts indefinitely. Behavior that is extremely out of character gives the target another opportunity to free themselves. Even if they do so, they will attempt to rationalize their behavior.

Nomad Disciplines

Vagabond Arrow

     This discipline grants projectiles a certain life of their own, allowing them to seek out their own marks. You can focus to double the range of your ranged attacks
  • Speeding Dart (1–4 psions). As your attack, a number of bolts of energy, equal to the psi spent on this ability, fly from your hand to strike a creature within 30'. Each dart has +2 to-hit, rolls its attack separately, and deals 1d4 force damage. 
  • Seeking Missile (1 psion): When a projectile you can see misses, you can give it another chance. It flies back around for a second attack against the same target.
  • Faithful Archer (3 psions, focus): You grant a weapon limited sentience. A bow, held in your offhand, will fire at a target of your choice once per round. An axe or javelin will fly from your hand to strike a target, then return, once per round. You could apply this to a sword, technically, but it would only attack things within melee range of your arm.

Desert Chameleon

     This discipline, developed for survival out in the Obol Deserts, is devoted to methods of layering shadow and haze to conceal and camouflage the mystic who uses it. You can focus to grant yourself advantage on sneak checks to avoid being seen.
  • Chameleon (1 psion): Close your eyes and check sneak. If you succeed, you disappear, even if you were standing in the middle of a brightly-lit ballroom. You remain hidden until you open your eyes, move, or are bumped into.
  • Step from Sight (2 psions, focus): You cloak yourself from sight, becoming invisible until you shift your focus or attack another creature. If you spend an extra psion (for a total of three), you may grant a friend the same invisibility.
  • Enduring Invisibility (4 psions, focus): You become invisible until you shift your focus.

Wandering Mind

     This is one of the nomads' fundamental disciplines, as it allows their minds to journey far through the noosphere in their waking lives. You can focus to grant yourself any single common skill or spoken language.
  • Find Creature (1 psions, focus): You cast your mind out along the ancient, dead leylines of the Obol Desert. While you maintain your focus, you know in which direction a specific creature whose name and likeness you know, or who you have personally seen before, can be found.
  • Artifact Lore (2 psions, focus): You can carefully study an item for an hour to recall information that others have known about it in the past, allowing you to identify its functions (and its name and great deeds if it's a magic sword or something).
  • Psychic Speech (3 psions): You draw in knowledge of languages old and young. For an hour, you understand any spoken, non-coded language you hear, and your spoken words are understood by any creatures who can understand language.
  • Errant Eye (3 psions, focus): You detach your vision from your body and attach it to a psionic sensor. The sensor floats in air, invisibly. If you meditate on it intensely, you can cause it to float along at about walking speed. It can't pass through solid objects, but can get into any space an eyeball could roll through. There is no limit to how far the sensor can move. Your body is blind until your focus shifts; if your focus breaks and vision snaps back suddenly, you are disoriented and effectively blind for a minute.
  • Alternate Eye (4 psions, focus): As above, except it passes through physical objects.

Nomadic Step

     This is the other fundamental nomad discipline, focused on teleportation of the physical body. You can focus to maintain awareness of your position. You'll immediately notice if you've been teleported, or if you're walking down some deceptive sloped pathway, and you know where north is even underground.
  • Ten Paces (1–4 psions): Teleport to a place you can see within 20' per psion.
  • Nomadic Anchor (1 psion): You can designate a point in 3d space that you can see and memorize the location precisely. For the next 24 hours, any ability that lets you teleport to a point you can see can instead teleport you to your anchor, so long as it is within range.
  • Defensive Step (2 psions): When you would be hit by an attack, you give yourself a +4 bonus to AC. If this causes the attack to miss you can also teleport up to 10' away to a point you can see.
  • There and Back Again (2 psions): At the beginning of your turn you can teleport 20' away to a point you can see, then move and act normally. At the end of your turn, you may snap back to the position you started from, so long as it is not occupied.
  • Baleful Transposition (3 psions): A creature you can see within 120' of you trades places with you. If they're another mystic, they get to check INT: otherwise it happens automatically.
  • Caravan (3 psions): You and up to six other willing creatures teleport to a location you can see within 1 mile. Unwilling creatures may check INT to avoid this.

Third Eye

    This discipline opens your third eye chakra, allowing you to perceive more than most. You can focus to give yourself G24-style gloomvision.
  • Tremorsense (1 psion, focus): You have tremorsense in 30', allowing you to precisely locate any movement in contact with the same surface as you
  • Piercing Sight (2 psions, focus): You can see through solid surfaces within 30'
  • Truesight (3 psions, focus): You gain truesight within 30', allowing you to see as normal regardless of light level or invisibility, and detect illusions.

Immortal Disciplines


     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body to be more suitable for the punishing and extreme environments of the Obol Desert. You can focus to meet your body's daily requirements of food, water, air and sleep with one psion. While doing this, you cannot heal with rest, nor can you meditate to generate more psions.
  • Environmental Adaptation (1 psion): Yourself or a creature you touch ignores the miseries (see G24) associated with extremely hot or cold weather for 8 hours.
  • Reactive Adaptive Shield (1 psion): When you would take poison, cold, fire or lightning damage from any source, you can ignore half that damage.
  • Total Adaptive Shield (2 psions, focus): Yourself or a creature you touch takes half damage from poison, cold, fire or lightning until you shift your focus.
  • Elemental Immunity (3 psions, focus): As Total Adaptive Shield, except you ignore the damage entirely.


     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body to imitate the strengths of the wild beasts. You can focus to present as a predator; wild animals check morale when they see you or attempt to flee the situation.
  • Evolution (variable): You shed your skin and reemerge in a new and better form. Design this new form with the eidolon rules, spending psions instead of evolution points. For the purposes of buying new traits, you are a biped-shaped creature, with legs, arms, human size, and a head with eyes. This transformation lasts for one hour, after which you shed your skin and return as your "normal" self. The evolved form has its own HP total (6 per your level). It is not a mystic and cannot use any of your disciplines or talents, or maintain focus.


     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body and grant you inhuman strength. You may focus for advantage on checks to bend bars and lift gates.
  • Brutal Blow (1–4 psions): When you hit something with a melee attack, you may deal an extra 1d6, 1d8, 1d10 or 1d12 damage from the terrible impact.
  • Knock Back (1–4 psions): When you hit something with a melee attack, you may launch them 10' backwards for each psion spent. If they collide with something as they fly, they take damage as if they had fallen the remaining distance.
  • Impossible Leap (1–4 psions): When you attempt to leap a gap on your turn, you can jump an extra 20' per psion spent.


     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body and grant you inhuman speed. You may focus to significantly increase your walking speed (if playing with a battle map, someone who normally moves 30 feet per round moves 40 now), allowing you to easily escape pursuers on foot, or easily run down those who flee from you.
  • Rapid Step (14 psions): On your turn, take an extra turn's worth of movement for every psion spent.
  • Agility (1 psion): Dodge an incoming attack and force the attacker to roll with disadvantage.
  • Blur of Motion (1 psion): For one turn, you move with such spiderlike rapidity that you are effectively invisible while moving. You can slip past watching guards or underneath falling gates leaving nothing more than a vague impression that a shadow has passed this way.
  • Surge of Activity (4 psions): Take a turn, now.

Tiny Creature

     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body, making you small and hard to notice. While focusing, you leave no tracks, and your weight won't break rickety structures or bend slender branches.
  • Miniature Form (2 psions, focus): You become the size of a cat until your focus shifts. You maintain all of your physical capabilities (though your armor probably doesn't fit any more), but can squeeze through a 6" gap, or sneak through a house full of people by scurrying under furniture. Shrinking or growing takes a full round.
  • Topple (1 psion): You rapidly shrink and then rubber-band back to normal size (or vice-versa, if you're in Miniature Form). This is terrifying, inexplicable, and has enough force to knock over a human unless they pass a strength check.
  • Animalculous Form (4 psions, focus): You become the size of mouse until your focus shifts. You gain an effective +5 bonus to your AC (which is good, because your armor definitely doesn't fit you any more), and can squeeze through gaps one inch wide. You are as strong as you normally are, but you have almost no range of motion, so can't use weapons or most tools.

Terrible Monster

     This discipline focuses your psionic energy to warp your body, making you stupendously large and girthy. While focusing, your arms lengthen down past your knees. You have reach like a spear with normal melee weapons.
  • Exaggerated Form (2 psions, focus): Your body swells until you are 8' tall. You gain 6 temporary hitpoints at the start of every turn, gain a +[limit] bonus to damage and to-hit with melee weapons, and can wield heavy weapons in one hand or hurl medium weapons like a javelin. You have reach like a spear with normal melee weapons.
  • Hyperbolic Form (4 psions, focus): Your body swells until you are 18' tall. You gain 12 temporary hitpoints at the start of every turn, gain a +[limit*2] bonus to damage and to-hit with melee weapons, and can wield massive weapons in one hand or hurl heavy weapons like a javelin. You have reach like a pike with normal melee weapons.


     This discipline infuses bodies with psionic energy, repairing and revitalizing them. While focused on this discipline you never fail rolls to remove fatal wounds in others.
  • Mend (1 psions): You or a creature you touch heals [limit] HP
  • Rejuvenate (2 psions): You or a creature you touch remove [limit] miseries, slots of exhaustion, or points of stat damage.
  • Restore (3 psions): You or a creature you touch regrow a missing eye, heal a deafened ear, re-knit a broken spine, or cure a conventional disease.
  • Return (4 psions): You touch a creature that has died within the last minute and bring it back to life. This does not grant them extra years if they'd died of old age, replace missing body parts if they'd died of dismemberment, or let them breathe in water if they drowned. It also doesn't work on piles of giblets or ash or glass statues caught in poses of panicked defense; there needs to be most of a functioning body left. 

Source: Locheil

Overlord Disciplines

     The so-called overlords are paranoid, controlling, and never ready to share their secrets for free. Their abilities are not widely understood. Those who have encountered them can tell you that overlords enslave souls, inspire insane passions, warp perceptions, empower armies, and exercise supreme control over the minds of their fellow human beings. A full list of their disciplines is available to someone who plays one in one of my campaigns (for those few of you who might want to run this class on your own, just make some shit up, steal the Avatar disciplines from the 5e Mystic. They're a really boring 4e Leader, and will require a lot of fiddling to be made appropriate for the GLOG).

Ancient Disciplines

     The Ancients are dead. Those who follow in their footsteps, and imitate their legendary abilities, are rare in the Obol Desert and almost unheard-of elsewhere. Those who have encountered them can tell you that Ancients command the very elements of the natural world, reshape earth, drive storms, topple fortresses, and slaughter nations. A full list of their disciplines is available to someone who plays one in one of my campaigns (for those few of you &c &c, steal the Wu Jen disciplines from the 5e Mystic. They're a really boring 4e Controller, and will require &c &c). 

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