Provided below are stat blocks for wandering NPC's and templates for first-level GLOG characters. If you prefer character race to be independent of class, here are three different tables for that. You can only choose to gain the character templates at first level, unless your DM is running a very strange game.
Widely disliked and distrusted. Known to be cunning, treacherous, of low moral character, and unreliable in a fight. Keep your distance from Rookmen they say; or, if you must interact, keep one hand on your gun and the other on your wallet. Wild ravens are known to report everything they see and hear to evil wizards.![]() |
Source: Ravenman by Anubish |
1d6 Rook Bastards (on a result of 1 or 6, one is a Rook Crusher)
HD 2, AC as Leather, Morale 5, Move as Human
Attack: matchet, 1d6 slashing with +2 to-hit.
Mockery: Bastards can mimic any sound almost perfectly. If they are mimicking a voice you are familiar with, you can tell it's a little low and muffled.
Beat-In: If a Bastard makes a successful attack against an enemy, one other adjacent Bastard can make an attack against that enemy as well. This continues until someone misses or you run out of nearby Bastards.
Rook Crusher
HD 3, AC as Chain, Morale 7, Move as Human
Attack: iron bar, 1d10 blunt with +3 to-hit.
Mockery: as a Rook Bastard.
Beat-Out: If a Crusher scores a critical hit or rolls maximum damage on a normal hit, their opponent is knocked down.
Character Class: Rookman
- A: Rook, Bad Reputation, +1 HP
Rookmen can eat uncooked, rotten or not-yet-dead food as ordinary rations. You can mimic any sound and speak in any voice you have heard, though intelligent people will notice that familiar voices are a little hoarse. If your Wisdom score is lower than your Constitution score, swap the two.
Bad Reputation
As a Rookman, most civilized people consider you a menace and view you with suspicion. Hirelings charge double while in your service. You get a +2 bonus to any check which could benefit from the discomfort and fear you cause in others, and suffer a -2 penalty to any check which could benefit from trust and cooperation.
Noble and good, but easily distractable. Less pretty and less vain than their Rookmen cousins. Cautious of unfamiliar or dangerous situations. Wild crows are known to eat the eyes of the unburied dead as a favor to mankind.![]() |
Source: Crowman by Colorblind |
1d6 Crow Wanderers (on a result of 1 or 6, one is a Crow Captain)
HD 2, AC as Leather, Morale 5, Move as Human
Attack: shortsword, 1d6 slashing with +2 to-hit.
Mockery: Wanderers can mimic any sound almost perfectly. If they are mimicking a voice you are familiar with, you can tell its a little high and scratchy.
Tactical Sense: If a Wanderer makes a successful attack against an enemy, one other adjacent Wanderer can make an attack against that enemy as well. This continues until someone misses or you run out of nearby Wanderers.
Crow Captain
HD 3, AC as Chain, Morale 7, Move as Human
Attack: greatsword, 1d10 slashing with +3 to-hit.
Mockery: as a Crow Wanderer.
Mastery: If a Captain scores a critical hit or rolls maximum damage on a normal hit, their opponent's shield is destroyed. If their opponent is not carrying a shield, their weapon is destroyed instead.
Character Class: Crowman
- A: Crow, Good Reputation, +1 HP
Crowmen can eat uncooked, rotten or not-yet-dead food as ordinary rations. You can mimic any sound and speak in any voice you have heard, though intelligent people will notice that familiar voices are a little pitchy. If your Wisdom score is lower than your Constitution score, swap the two.
Good Reputation
As a Crowman, most people consider you an emblem of good luck. You may be approached in the street by people who want to touch your feathers or ask you to kiss their baby. Innkeepers will lower their rates by half for your party, and shopkeepers may offer bargains or special product.
Chickens are drastically less adorable when they have opposable thumbs and are seven feet tall. The hens are brutal authoritarians who understand only linear hierarchy — NO EQUALITY BUT THE STOCKPOT, they cry. The roosters have an egalitarian streak and cheerfully admit that everyone else is equally inferior. Chickenmen are a minority in the human lands, for now, but it is not in their nature to submit.![]() |
Source: Die Hoenderman by Ben-G-Geldenhuys |
1d6 Pullets
HD 1*, AC as Leather, Morale 8, Move as Human
Attack: a flurry of kicks and bites, 1d8 piercing/tearing with +1 to-hit.
Flock: A group of Pullets travel together for safety while seeking a Rooster or Cockerel. By definition they are accompanied by no children, lay no eggs, and have no permanent settlement.
Pecking Order: One Pullet is the lowest in the pecking order, and has 2 HP. The next is second-lowest, with 4, and so on. All Pullets hate one another, and are eager to betray whoever is immediately above them in the pecking order or abandon whoever is immediately lower.
Galliform: Pullets can leap twenty feet and may choose to do this in combat instead of attacking. Their claws let them balance on any structure that can bear their weight, and their feathers keep them comfortable in all weather. They are as proud as the Devil.
1d6 Hens
HD 2*, AC as Leather, Morale 10, Move as Human
Attack: a flurry of kicks and bites, 1d8 piercing/tearing with +2 to-hit.
Brood: A group of Hens are the harem of a Rooster, and cooperate to protect their seraglio and chicks. They will die rather than allow an outsider to reach their nests, and never roll Morale checks or saves vs Fear while defending them.
Pecking Order: as a Pullet, but the lowest has 3 HP, second lowest 6 &c.
Galliform: as Pullet, but may leap thirty feet.
HD 2, AC as Leather, Morale 10, Move as Human
Attack: a flurry of kicks and bites, 1d8 piercing/tearing with +2 to-hit.
Errant: Cockerels wander the land searching for adventures (to prove their worth) and suitable strongholds (to protect their wealth and women). They may be willing to cooperate with PCs purely for the sake of reputation.
Wrath: In combat, after the first drop of blood has been shed, a Cockerel may choose to enter wrath. Their melee attacks deal maximum damage while in wrath, and they receive the maximum damage from all attacks against them. They exit wrath on a 2-in-6 chance at the end of every turn.
Galliform: as Pullet.
HD 3, AC as Chain, Morale N/A, Move as Human
Attack: a frenzy of claws and beak, 1d12 piercing/tearing with +3 to-hit.
Jealous: Roosters are called Roosters because of their habit of perching somewhere hidden to observe their territory. They are as difficult to find as a secret door, and automatically surprise if they choose to attack from hiding. They never roll Morale under any circumstances.
Wrath: As a Cockerel, but they enter and exit wrath at-will on the beginning and end of their turn.
Galliform: as Pullet, but may leap thirty feet.
Character Class: Chickenman
- A: Galliform, Enforcement/Defiance
Your clawed feet and hands give you a 1d8 unarmed attack. You can balance on any structure which can support your weight, you can jump twenty feet, and you have a thick layer of feathers which give you an unarmored AC as Leather. You can't wear clothing or armor that has not been extensively modified and you can never wear boots. If your Wisdom is higher than your Charisma, swap the two scores.
If you gain the Enforcement template you cannot gain Defiance.
You are a Chickenman who takes your role seriously. The human nations will collapse under their own corrupt bulks, the Chickenmen will rise, and claw and beak will hold dominion unto the three corners of the world. You have Wrath as a Cockerel, and know the secret language of the Red Crest Society.
If you gain the Defiance template you cannot gain Enforcement.
You are a highly unusual Chickenman. For reasons known only to you you have been, effectively, exiled from Chook society. Other Chickenmen shun you. You will never settle down in a fortified coop to raise your children or pile up your gold. You will never again bow your head to anyone; not Chicken, Man or King. You have a +4 bonus to saves against any mind altering effect, and know the secret language of the Black Feather Society.
These kind-hearted creatures reach adulthood by age ten and are dead before their twentieth year. They are at peace with their short lives and strive to do as much good as possible — OR AS OPOSSUMBLE AHAHA.![]() |
Source: Opossum portrait by Silverfox5213 |
1d6 Opossum Monks (on a result of 1 or 6, one is an Opossum Martyr)
HD 1, AC as unarmored, Morale 7, Move as Human
Attack: A delicate nibble, 1 piercing damage.
Marsupial: The monks can climb natural surfaces and structures (such as cave walls and trees) as if they were ladders.
Triage: The monks can heal 1 HP per monk per day (2 if encountered in their monastery). They usually offer their services for free, prioritizing the most injured first, but they can be convinced to shuffle their list for a large gift to their Order.
Opossum Martyr
HD 3, AC as Plate, Morale 10, Move as Human
Attack: greatsword, 1d10 slashing with +3 to-hit.
Marsupial: as the Opossum Monk.
Interference: Once per combat round the Martyr may interpose themselves between an attack and a different target. The attack is made against the Martyr instead.
Character Class: Opossumman
- A: Marsupial, +1 HP
You can climb natural surfaces and structures (such as cave walls and trees) as if they were ladders. You are very good at pretending to be dead — unfortunately, all intelligent creatures know this about you. You are usually safe from being attacked by bandits or marauders, and intelligent creatures will not initiate hostilities against you. If you Strength score is higher than your Charisma score, swap them.
The Halomen didn't take a boat; they just walked right over the surface of the ocean. Apparently they can do that. Halomen are much larger than a horse yet weigh less than a child, and their motives are inscrutable to us bipeds.![]() |
Believe it or not. this is the only art of a water-strider person I could find. Source: gerridi in the mist by Ksrbo |
Haloman Observer
HD 5, AC as Plate, Morale 10, Move as Human on land, twice as fast over water.
Attack: a thrown javelin, 1d6 piercing with +5 to-hit, thrown 50' while retreating.
Judgment Process: The Observer is here to learn about how the small ones live and die. Their society has been unaware of ours until quite recently. They are full of questions, such as "how can you walk on water with only two podomere" and "why have all of your cities been beached so crudely".
Master of Darts: The Observer can parry melee attacks and thrown weapons.
Character Class: Haloman
- A: Haloman, +1 Defense
You have six long, delicate legs which enable you to walk on water if not encumbered. You move at double speed while doing this. On land, you can't go anywhere that a horse and rider couldn't fit in. You sturdy carapace gives unarmored AC as Chain, but you cannot wear armor that has not been heavily modified by an expert, and you can never wear boots. If your Constitution score is higher than your Intelligence, swap them.
What the Hell? What even are they? These warped and... gummy fellows came wriggling out of the ground one day. Their decorum is irreproachable, but their accents are unintelligible. Probably best to pretend you don't notice.![]() |
Source in image |
Worm Dignitary
HD 1, AC as Leather, Morale ???, Move poorly
Attack: throttling wibbly-wobbly bits, which grapple. Once grappled, save every round or lose 1d6 quarters of your maximum HP.
Limited Tangibility: The rubbery body of a Wormman is easy to hit but difficult to harm. Wormmen only take weapon damage on a critical hit, otherwise they are immune. Fire and acid are the preferred methods of wormicide.
Limited Comprehensibility: Wormmen can't really talk. Through wiggles and posing they can generally get their point across, but they really struggle in complicated matters of economics and politics. They could always use the help of a few strong-backed, weak-minded adventuring types.
Character Class: Wormman
- A: Wormman, +1 Move
You can never, ever, ever wear any armor. Let's get that out of the way right now. Nobody makes armor for a squishy mass of elongations. You can console yourself with the same Limited Tangibility your NPC brothers get. As a Wormman, you take a full ten minutes to open a door, can never hold more than 5 slots of items, cannot use ranged weaponry, cannot use two-handed weapons, cannot see farther than 60' and cannot speak any language. On the otherhandextrusion, you can writhe acros 15' gaps without slowing down, have advantage on checks to grapple, are immune to Charm and all mind-reading effects, and cannot rise as an undead. You definitely can't wear boots. If your Wisdom is higher than your Strength, swap the two scores.
Dumpy little egg-shaped torso, massive spindly legs, a small pair of beady yellow eyes. Who made these, and why? They can't even spin webs; these creatures wander the roads as helpless mendicants. Spare a coin if you feel like engaging in a little pity.![]() |
a Chitine, by Toni DiTerlizzi |
Harvester Vagabond
HD 2, AC as Chain, Morale 5, Move as Human
Attack: a shiv, 1d6 piercing with +2 to-hit. Save or come down with tetanus.
Light Step: Harverstermen make no sound when they move. They can balance on any structure which can bear their weight.
Malefactor: Harvestermen can see for 30' in total darkness, 60' in direct sunlight, and as normal on cloudy days, indoors, or by moonlight.
Frail: Harvestermen take maximum damage from all sources of fire.
Character Class: Harvesterman
- A: Harvesterman, +1 Stealth
As a Harvester you are an experienced troublemaker and a hobbyist housebreaker. You move silently at any speed, can see 30' in total darkness, and can balance on any structure which can bear your weight. Your vision is limited to 60' in direct sunlight and you take maximum damage from sources of fire. Other than that are a fairly common sight on the road or in any major town. If your Constitution is higher than your Dexterity, swap the scores.
A human torso meets the segmented body of a huge centipede at the waist. An eyeless face hides behind a heavy thatch of hair, and an oversized mouth bristles with a double row of teeth as long and thick as fingers. Centipedemen are among the most repellent creatures the g_ds ever made. Despite this horrifying appearance, there are as many good Centipedemen as bad ones. In the end we are all someone's treasured creation.![]() |
Chopped up from Perky II by Eemeling |
Centipede Watchman
HD 4, AC as Chain, Morale 10, Move as ½ Human
Attacks: a horrible bite, save or contract leprosy. Also: a gold-plated mace, 1d6 blunt with a +4 to-hit.
Eyeless: Centipedemen can detect movement, shapes, heat, light levels, sound, scent and tactile sensation within 15' of their heads. They are otherwise incapable of detecting the world around them.
Voiceless: Centipedemen cannot vocalize.
Trigintapedal: Centipedemen actually have only fifteen pairs of legs, but that's enough to let them crawl across any surface like one of their smaller cousins.
Character Class: Centipedeman
- A: Centipede, Cruel Joke, +2 HP
You are painfully slow, you cannot vocalize, you cannot hear sounds originating more than fifteen feet away, and you are totally blind. That's the bad news out of the way. The good news is, you have great perception of anything that happens within fifteen feet of you. You can climb on walls effortlessly and have an unarmored AC as Chain, which is pretty damn good. As usual, you cannot wear armor that has not been specially altered, and it would be much too expensive to buy fifteen pairs of boots even if they made them for giant centipedes. Whatever your lowest ability score is, swap it with Charisma.
Cruel Joke
Your kind are feared, and hated more than feared. Centipedemen occupy the lowest social strata. If people are in a good mood they will just pretend not to see you, but if they are feeling nasty you may be attacked for wandering around in the daytime. You can never gain hirelings, and your party members are the only non-centipedes who will make any effort to communicate with you as if you were a person. This malintention is so powerful that unintelligent undead cannot even perceive you.